Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Easter Buns

We used the opportunity of the up coming Easter Celebrations to explore all things Hot Cross Buns. We tried a number of maths problems...

We made - measuring, following a recipe, working out fractions, then baked Hot Cross buns...and we ate them too!

Also Drew, Luther and Cayden inquired about Hot Cross buns.

Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Ultimate Frisbee Competition

On Thursday 4th April, 12 children represented Dairy Flat School at the Ultimate Frisbee day.

Thank you to the team

Ben Crampton
Andrew Lucas
Drew Travers
Saxon Parker
Jaxon Leano - Lesavua
Armani Stanaway
Machrie McLeod
Ash Archibald
Luchian Opperman
CJ Coggins
Pippa Lloyd
Becky Hydes
We won one game, lost 2 and had fun!
Thank you to Kayla Cassidy, Peter Buckley and Joanne Crampton
for transporting the children and to Paula Lucas for sideline support!
Thank you Miss Ryder for organising it all!!