Te Herenga Marae Trip Permission Letter - Grice & ForlongTe Herenga Marae Trip Permission Letter - Huntingford & Jefferson
Years 5 & 6 Marsden Point Camp
Wednesday 17th - Friday 19th March Week 7 Term 1
18 February 2020
Dear Parents/Caregivers
WE ARE OFF TO CAMP on Wednesday 17 March Week 7! Regular Camp updates will be emailed to you and posted on the LZ1 Blog. If you could keep reading the information you receive and respond a.s.a.p. that would be great. If your child will not be attending camp please email their homeroom teacher a.s.a.p.
A comprehensive list is attached.
Camp Consent Form, Medical Form and Goat Island Snokelling Consent Form
Please fill in these very important forms and return them to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday 26th February.
Parents going on camp must complete and return by Friday 26th February - Medical form, Parent Support form and Snorkelling form (if you are snorkelling at Goat Island). Additional forms are available at the office or see your child’s homeroom teacher.
It is essential that you read everything carefully and that we know everything (especially medical concerns) before we leave for camp.
Camp Payment
Camp fees are to be paid in full prior to Wednesday 18th March. Payments can be made to Bank Account: 12-3046-0199063-00
If there is any difficulty with payment, please contact Debbie Marshall well before this date. We will help as much as we can.
Camp Activities include Day 1 Goat Island snorkelling & Education Centre
Day 2 & 3 at Camp activities include - water slide, kayaking, paddle boarding, archery, trust games, bumper balls, target shooting, campfire.
Teachers attending camp are:
Penny Jefferson pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Jenny Forlong jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Shayne Grice sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Kayla Huntingford khuntingford@dairyflat.school.nz
Fiona Sutherland fsutherland@dairyflat.school.nz
Susan Thompson (DP) sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Thank you so much for your support. Again please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. It is so important that you feel comfortable about the whole venture.
LZ1 Team
Minecraft competition 2020
Term 1 - 2020
2020 Camp Forms
Camp Newsletter 3
Register for the Shore to Shore Fun Run/Walk
See the flyer your child brought home today
2020 Camp Forms
Camp Newsletter 3
Goat Island Guided Snorkeling Form
Camp Newsletter 2
Health Student Profile
Education Outside The Classroom Consent form
Years 5 & 6 Marsden Point Camp
Wednesday 11th - Friday 13th March Week 6 Term 1
4 February 2020
Dear Parents/Caregivers
WE ARE OFF TO CAMP on Wednesday 11 March Week 6! Regular Camp updates will be emailed to you and posted on the LZ1 Blog. If you could keep reading the information you receive and respond a.s.a.p. that would be great. If your child will not be attending camp please email their homeroom teacher a.s.a.p.
A comprehensive list is attached.
Camp Consent Form, Medical Form and Goat Island Snokelling Consent Form
Please fill in these very important forms and return them to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday 14th February.
Parents going on camp must complete and return by Friday 14th February - Medical form, Parent Support form and Snorkelling form (if you are snorkelling at Goat Island). Additional forms are available at the office or see your child’s homeroom teacher.
It is essential that you read everything carefully and that we know everything (especially medical concerns) before we leave for camp.
Camp Payment
Camp fees are to be paid in full prior to Wednesday 11th March. Payments can be made to Bank Account: 12-3046-0199063-00
If there is any difficulty with payment, please contact Debbie Marshall well before this date. We will help as much as we can.
Camp Activities include Day 1 Goat Island snorkelling & Education Centre
Day 2 & 3 at Camp activities include - water slide, kayaking, paddle boarding, archery, trust games, bumper balls, target shooting, campfire.
Teachers attending camp are:
Shayne Grice (LZ1SG Homeroom Teacher) sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Thank you so much for your support. Again please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. It is so important that you feel comfortable about the whole venture.
LZ1 Team
Waterwise permission slips
Art Gallery Permission Slip
Term 4
Term 3
Dear Parents / Caregivers
AG DAY – Saturday 19th October 2019
Please ensure your child has the necessary items at school on Friday 18th October to make their
(The art item will be made at school during term time.)
Students who do not have the necessary items at school on Friday will be given set work to complete.
Energy Floral arrangement -
Eg., Radiant Energy Hydro Energy Kinetic Energy Electrical Energy

The container to hold the flowers needs to have water or a piece of oasis (or sand)
- to keep the flowers fresh and in place.
The container should be coloured in the theme of the Energy represented.
The arrangement needs to be free standing
Flowers - at least 3 different varieties of flowers or plants - can be real or artificial
- the colours need to represent the vase
- need to be in proportion with the vase/container.
Flowers/greenery a mixture of homemade and real or artificial
At least one flower used, must be homemade
The floral arrangement will be assembled at school on Friday 18th October.
Energy Pattern Sand tray ‘scene’
A sand base (Sand is to be brought from home)
Made on a tray no larger than A3 in size
The sand tray is to show an Energy Generator, eg. wind farm, solar farm, electric power lines, geothermal,
Must have 2 - 3 homemade items (student made)
The sand tray scene will be assembled at school on Friday 18th October.
Eyes Art - will be made in class during term 3.
Bird’s head
Eye(s) with reflection
At least three shades of colour blended on the art work
Feathers with implied texture
Beak (or part of a beak).
Any questions please ask one of the LZ1 teachers -
Mrs Forlong, Mrs Jefferson, Mr Grice, Mrs Thompson
Our Health learning this term involves a visit by a Foodstuffs educator who will be working with children in classes. We will be looking at nutrition and making good, informed food choices.
On Thursday 15 August we will be making a trip to Pak n'Save, Albany. We will need parents to transport students to and from the store. Please return your permission slip as soon as possible.
We are off to the Science Roadshow on Thursday Week 1. Please return your permission slip as soon as possible.
Term 2 Week 1 Thursday 2 May 2019
Tuesday 9 April
Dear Parents,
We have planned a trip to the Auckland Art Gallery (Cnr Kitchener and Wellesley Streets) on Thursday 2 May.
The programme we have booked is Storytelling How do artworks tell stories?
Consider how some artists use narrative techniques we are familiar with to story tell visually.
Then think about something completely new! How does a Gallery tell stories with many artworks at once?
Tell your own stories in the studio through art making.
A wonderful exercise in lateral, critical and creative thinking!
Time: Depart Dairy Flat School 8:45 am (You will need to be at school by 8.30 am)
Arrive back at school approx. 2.45 pm
Transport: By bus
What to Bring: Morning tea and lunch, drink bottle, full school uniform (including closed in shoes)
Parent Help: Parents will be assigned a small group of children to supervise for the duration of
the trip. Parents if you would like to join us, please complete the permission slip below and
return by Friday 12 April.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Susan Thompson (Team Leader), Jenny Forlong, Penny Jefferson, Shayne Grice
I give permission for ……………………………………………………………….……………… to travel by bus
child’s name
to and from the Auckland Art Gallery on Thursday 2 May.
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………. ……………………
Parent signature Contact (cellphone) Date
PARENT HELP (Please circle one)
I am available / I am unavailable as parent help (to help with supervision).
……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….
Name Contact email
Wednesday 20 FEBRUARY
5.00 – Mix and Mingle: Positive
Learning For Behaviour – School values and school wide expectations
5.30– Learning Zone
6.00 – Learning Zone Visits
Camp parent meeting in LZ1 at 6.30pm
Te Herenga Marae Trip Permission Letter - Grice & Forlong
Years 5 & 6 Marsden Point Camp
Wednesday 17th - Friday 19th March Week 7 Term 1
18 February 2020
Dear Parents/Caregivers
WE ARE OFF TO CAMP on Wednesday 17 March Week 7! Regular Camp updates will be emailed to you and posted on the LZ1 Blog. If you could keep reading the information you receive and respond a.s.a.p. that would be great. If your child will not be attending camp please email their homeroom teacher a.s.a.p.
A comprehensive list is attached.
Camp Consent Form, Medical Form and Goat Island Snokelling Consent Form
Please fill in these very important forms and return them to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday 26th February.
Parents going on camp must complete and return by Friday 26th February - Medical form, Parent Support form and Snorkelling form (if you are snorkelling at Goat Island). Additional forms are available at the office or see your child’s homeroom teacher.
It is essential that you read everything carefully and that we know everything (especially medical concerns) before we leave for camp.
Camp Payment
Camp fees are to be paid in full prior to Wednesday 18th March. Payments can be made to Bank Account: 12-3046-0199063-00
If there is any difficulty with payment, please contact Debbie Marshall well before this date. We will help as much as we can.
Camp Activities include Day 1 Goat Island snorkelling & Education Centre
Day 2 & 3 at Camp activities include - water slide, kayaking, paddle boarding, archery, trust games, bumper balls, target shooting, campfire.
Teachers attending camp are:
Penny Jefferson pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Jenny Forlong jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Shayne Grice sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Kayla Huntingford khuntingford@dairyflat.school.nz
Fiona Sutherland fsutherland@dairyflat.school.nz
Susan Thompson (DP) sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Thank you so much for your support. Again please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. It is so important that you feel comfortable about the whole venture.
LZ1 Team
Term 1 - 2020
2020 Camp Forms
Camp Newsletter 3
Register for the Shore to Shore Fun Run/Walk
See the flyer your child brought home today
2020 Camp Forms
Camp Newsletter 3
Goat Island Guided Snorkeling Form
Camp Newsletter 2
Health Student Profile
Education Outside The Classroom Consent form
Art Gallery Permission Slip
Term 4
(The art item will be made at school during term time.)
- The container to hold the flowers needs to have water or a piece of oasis (or sand)
- to keep the flowers fresh and in place.
- The container should be coloured in the theme of the Energy represented.
- The arrangement needs to be free standing
- Flowers - at least 3 different varieties of flowers or plants - can be real or artificial
- Flowers/greenery a mixture of homemade and real or artificial
- At least one flower used, must be homemade
- The floral arrangement will be assembled at school on Friday 18th October.
- A sand base (Sand is to be brought from home)
- Made on a tray no larger than A3 in size
- The sand tray is to show an Energy Generator, eg. wind farm, solar farm, electric power lines, geothermal,
- Must have 2 - 3 homemade items (student made)
- The sand tray scene will be assembled at school on Friday 18th October.
- Bird’s head
- Eye(s) with reflection
- At least three shades of colour blended on the art work
- Feathers with implied texture
- Beak (or part of a beak).
return by Friday 12 April.
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………. ……………………
I am available / I am unavailable as parent help (to help with supervision).
……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….
Picnic Letter Link
Friday 22nd February 2019
Venue: Wenderholm
Regional Park Site 2
Time: 9.00am
- 2.45
Transport: Children
will be transported to and from Wenderholm by parents/caregivers.
buses will not be running (unless Picnic Day is cancelled)
Cancellation: Via
our local radio station – Times FM (Albany to Mangawhai- 88.9 FM, Hibiscus Coast 97.8 FM)
LZ1 Ag Day Criteria
Week 7 Term 3 Notices and Reminders
Ice Cream Scoop
- How many kinds of 2-scoop cones are there with 10 flavors?
- What about “n” flavors?
- Create a poster that represents your group’s thinking.
Week 4 Term 3 Notices and Reminders
Wednesday - School Closed (support your Teachers)
Friday - Science Roadshow 9:45 - 12:00
- Assembly 2 - 3 All Welcome
- Chickens arrive for pick up ...in a suitable container, with an adult.
Remember to bring your Ag Day Grocery items...House points and the class that donates the most gets Icecream!!
Cross country permission slip link - return your signed slip as soon as possible.
Maths problem this week. Find out how someone at home would solve this problem?
Week 3 Term 3 Notices and Reminders
We are still desperate for pens, pencils, rulers and rubbers. If you havn't already had the chance to purchase a box of each (red, blue pens and pencils) and bring them in to school then we would greatly appreciate it if you could do so this week.
ZOO TRIP - notice will be coming home this week - please send in your signed return slip as soon as possible.
Cross country permission slip link -notice will be coming home this week - please send in your signed return slip as soon as possible.
Maths problem this week. Find out how someone at home would solve this problem?
Mixed up groceries
Sadly there has been a mix up as some of the groceries for week two have been included in week ones total.
You need to adjust each total to work out which class should get the reward.
Incorrect total counted as all week one
Groceries to be adjusted
Adjusted total groceries for week one (With number sentences showing your working)
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Week 2 Term 3 Notices and Reminders
Maths problem this week. Find out how someone at home would solve this problem?
Friday - Assembly 9-10am...all welcome
- Could you please continue to bring the following stationery (1x box of blue pens, 1x box of red pens, 1x clear ruler, 1x box of HB pencils, 2x plain white rubbers). This will be collated and used to replenish class containers.
- We need more cardboard boxes (cardboard with a corrugated layer) to create our Art this term which will be displayed for all to admire on Ag Day.
- Cross country training continues - it is a compulsory part of the curriculum. Students will need to bring a note from parents or caregiver if there is a medical reason for not participating.
Week 1 Term 3 Notices and Reminders
- Could you please bring to school the following stationery as we do not have enough for each child at present. (1x box of blue pens, 1x box of red pens, 1x clear ruler, 1x box of HB pencils, 2x plain white rubbers). This will be collated and used to replenish class containers.
- We need cardboard boxes (cardboard with a corrugated layer) to create our Art this term which will be displayed for all to admire on Ag Day. Please start collecting this and bringing it to school as soon as possible.
- Cross country training will begin this week - it is a compulsory part of the curriculum. Students will need to bring a note from parents or caregiver if there is a medical reason for not participating.
- Complete AND HAND IN every Friday, tasks from each of the Bingo sheets (Maths, Spelling and Homework).
- Maths Bingo criteria - 1 x Mathletics (signature required), 1x word problem - see explanation below (signature required), 1x Maths activity from bingo boxes (signature required)
- Spelling Bingo - 1x Spelling activity from bingo boxes (signature required)
- Homework Bingo - 1x activity from bingo boxes (signature required)
- NOTE - with the exception of the Maths word problems and Mathletics, a different box needs to be selected from each of the Bingo sheets each week.
Week 10 End of Term Notices and Reminders
Please bring in newspapers for Art
Please urgently bring more blue and black pens
Tuesday - Share the Learning Conferences 1:30 - 7:30
(School will close at 12.30pm - Buses will leave school at 12.30pm and parents are asked to pick up their children at 12.30pm, A Plus will run from 12.30pm as well.)
Wednesday - Year 6 Netball Team Zone Day
- House Reward (Puriri)
Thursday - Rippa Rugby Zone Day
- Homework Reward
Friday - LZ1 & 2 Building official Opening 9-10am.
- End of Term 2 Assembly 2:00 - 3:00...all welcome
Final Mihi Presentations will continue at morning roll call. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
Week 6 Notices and Reminders
Please bring in newspapers for Art
Thursday - Soccer Zone Day
- Talent Quest Auditions lunchtime
Friday - Assembly 9-10am.
- Talent Quest Auditions lunchtime
Mihi Presentations will continue each morning at roll call. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
This week....
Tues Wed Thur Fri
Bailee Samantha Aaron Kyree
Ben Isabelle Helaena Will
Hunter Jay Cole
The students have been working extraordinarily well in their language lessons this year. To experience some aspects of Chinese culture, we would like the students to participate in the making of traditional Chinese spring rolls . This will be at school the morning of Wednesday 27 June. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher if your child is NOT able to eat any foods that would be offered, or if they have special diets or allergies.
Peer mediators continue the great job they are doing in the playground.
School interviews will be held on Tuesday 3rd July from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. Please go to the following link www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the event code xnska to make a booking.
Whittakers fundraising campaign - get behind this initiative to raise money for the school. Set a goal for how many you plan to sell this week and who you will sell them to.
Week 5 Notices and Reminders
Please bring in newspapers for Art
Tuesday - ICAS Science test for those students enrolled
Mihi Presentations will continue each morning at roll call. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
This week....
Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
Van Taylor Sophie H Kayden Millie
Luka Machrie Jaime Pippa Maddison W
Madeleine Hunter
Peer mediators continue the great job they are doing in the playground.
School interviews will be held on Tuesday 3rd July from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. Please go to the following link www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the event code xnska to make a booking.
Whittakers fundraising campaign - get behind this initiative to raise money for the school. Set a goal for how many you plan to sell this week and who you will sell them to.
Week 4 Notices and Reminders
Mihi Presentations will continue each morning at roll call. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
Peer mediators continue the great job they are doing in the playground.
Rippa Zone day - Thursday 24th May ( don't forget practise at lunchtime on Tuesday )
Friday 11/5/18 - Assembly 9am. Come and celebrate certificates and success. Peer Mediators will be introduced to the school.
School interviews will be held on Tuesday 3rd July from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. Please go to the following link www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the event code xnska to make a booking.
Whittakers fundraising campaign - get behind this initiative to raise money for the school. Set a goal for how many you plan to sell this week and who you will sell them to.
Week 3 Notices and Reminders
Mihi Presentations will continue each morning at roll call. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
Peer mediators will begin their patrolling this week
Week 2 Notices and Reminders
Mihi Presentations each morning at roll call. Kapahaka members this week. See your google drive homework folders for the mihi template. Also linked here.
Tuesday 8/5/18 - ICAS Digital Technology test - for those who are enrolled
Friday 11/5/18 - Assembly 9am. Come and celebrate certificates and success. Peer Mediators will be introduced to the school.
2018 Term 2
This term the home learning for each week will continue with the same format as term 1. In order to be eligible for the homework reward at the end of the term the students need to have completed all but 2 of the weeks of homework. This does not mean that a homework 'binge' a few weeks before the end of term will count. One of the key competency's in our National School Curriculum is 'managing self'. Completing and remembering to hand Homework in on the correct day provides an ideal practice ground for this. So to avoid disappointment at the end of term please support (don't do it for them) your child to return their homework in EACH week to be checked off. If your child goes to extra tuition after school count this as 'homework' for that day and make a note in your child's homework folder so that we know each week.
All notices/permission slips will also be posted on the blog. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's home room teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
· Daily spelling practice PLUS....
· 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
· 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
· 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
· MIHI - Starting from week 2 of Term 2 students in LZ1 will be saying their Mihi at the beginning of the day when we gather to take the roll in the morning. A roster showing when the students will need to be ready to present their MIhi to LZ1 will be posted on this page before the end of week 1. Members of the Kapahaka group will be leading the way with their names appearing at the top of the roster. A template on how to put your Mihi together will also be provided on this page along with the roster.
Week 9 Notices and Reminders
Rippa or ultimate frisbee, and any other Sports notices need to be handed in to the office asap.
Wednesday- Te Kotahitanga Trip for those invited to attend
Friday - GOOD FRIDAY-Easter Holiday begins
(School return Wednesday 4 April)
Continue to complete and hand in your Homework, to work toward this term's Homework Reward.
HOMEWORK BINGO - you choose which activity to complete...this is ongoing each week and is rewarded at the end of term for those that consistently manage to complete it and have it handed in by Friday EACH WEEK.
SPELLING BINGO- this is a weekly task that requires 10 mins of daily practise using the spelling bingo sheet
MATHS BINGO - this is also a weekly task that requires daily practise using the maths bingo sheet
Week 8 Notices and Reminders
We had a wonderful week last week at camp. It was a week of new experiences for many and it was a chance for others to push themselves to be better than they were before. It was great to see the students supporting each other, showing resilience when things got hard and managing themselves for 4 days! To the parents who gave up a week of work to come on camp - THANK YOU. Camps would not be an option without your support.
It is back to 'normal' this week....
Any Rippa or ultimate frisbee notices need to be handed in to the office asap.
Wednesday afternoon after lunch we have a whole school event. Tabloid sports.
Thursday - Inter school swimming for those that have been selected to represent Dairy Flat School
Friday - Assembly 9-10 am in the school hall
- MUFTI DAY gold coin donation to raise funds for Soup Kitchen
HOMEWORK BINGO - this is ongoing each week and is rewarded at the end of term for those that consistently manage to complete it and have it handed in by Friday EACH WEEK.
SPELLING - this is also a weekly task that requires 10 mins of daily practise using the spelling bingo sheet
Week 6 Notices and Reminders
We have another busy week ahead as we prepare for Camp. All forms should be in by now! Please start getting yourselves prepared and ensure that all equipment on the gear list will be available on Monday morning.
Tomorrow we have a Rhyme show all the way from the UK with a special session on 'Working in television' for yr 5 and 6 students.
Those who have their eye on the homework prize should be getting into the rhythm of doing homework bingo during the week.
We have been lucky enough to have a visit from Steve Hathaway from Young Ocean Explorers and invite you all to enter their Competition.
Also this week we have World Maths Day on Wednesday.
World Maths Day, the free, fun, online competition returns March 7! The competition measures speed in arithmetic and numeracy skills in Live Mathletics, runs for 48 hours and is open to all schools around the world. Students compete online with other students and top scores are displayed on a live ‘Hall of Fame’.
Swim sports for the combined LZ1/LZ2 swimmers is on this Thursday afternoon 1.30-2.30
Assembly is on this Friday at 9.00
Have a great week
Term 1 2018
Term 4
- Tu Maia Kapa Haka Festival 30 November
- Year 6 Girls Puberty Notice due Wednesday 22 November
- Year 6 Boys Puberty Notice due Wednesday 22 November
- Waitakere Transfer Station Trip Permission Slip Thursday 2nd November (Homerooms - Mrs Sutherland, Mr Grice and a few additional students from Mrs Mowat)
- Waitakere Transfer Station Trip Permission Slip Friday 3rd November (Homerooms - Mrs Jefferson, Mrs Forlong and a few additional students from Mrs Sutherland)
- Chinese Dumpling permission slip
Term 3
- Mindlab Permission Form
- Term 4 AG Day Entry Form (Updated T3 Week 5)
- Friday 25 August - School Cross Country Permission Slip
- Thursday 3 August Asia Experience Day Permission Slip. This event will be held at Orewa College for all Year 5 & 6 students. Please return by Tuesday 1 August.
Term 2
- Students and parent helpers are to be at school by 8.45. The bus will be leaving at 9 am.
- School uniform is to be worn. This includes a fleece, school jacket or warm waterproof jacket. Students can wear long black pants for extra warmth. Please bring a warm hat e.g. beanie
- Students and parent helpers must be wearing closed in shoes.
- If you have long hair it must be tied back in a LOW ponytail so a helmet can fit on snuggly.
- You are to bring Brainfood, Morning Tea, Lunch, and a water bottle. (There are no shops)
- If your child requires medication e.g. asthma inhaler and the school does not already have a spare one, please ensure one is packed in their school bag.
- Tree Adventures Parent Information sheet has been emailed to parent email accounts.
Please remember to return your tree adventures permission slips. We need a number of parent helpers so please advise if you can help
Tree Tops Permission Slip
- Updated Marsden Camp letter 3 (Tuesday 2 May 3 pm)
- Marsden Camp letter and permission form PRINT
- Camp Health Profile Form PRINT
- Camp Gear List PRINT
- Sausage Sizzle Helpers for Term 1 PRINT
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