Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Mrs Jefferson, Mrs Forlong, Mr Grice
and Mrs Sutherland are looking forward to teaching your child in LZ1 (Learning
Zone 1) this year.
To find out what is happening in LZ1
please refer to:
* Dairy Flat School Public
* School Newsletter
* LZ1 Blog
Swimming togs: Children
should bring their togs every Monday and Friday. We are working towards our
Interhouse Swimming Sports in Week 7 - Thursday19th March.
Stationery: Please bring
your stationery to school in week 1.
School hats: Compulsory in
Term 1.
Permission Slips: We have two
class trips in the first weeks of this term - Waterwise and the Auckland Art Gallery. We
are also going to Camp Marsden in week 6. Therefore, there will be a number of
important permission and information notices arriving home over the next few
weeks, these can also be accessed on our team blog, which can be found on the
Dairy Flat Website http://lz1dfs.blogspot.co.nz/ under Notices.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Home Learning: Will
begin next week with our Homework Bingo, Mathletics, Basic Facts and Reading,
to be handed in every Friday.
Digital devices: are
encouraged and welcome from day two. These are not to be used
before school, morning tea, lunch or after school.
Our learning for Term 1:
Integrated into our Inquiry:
Many thanks
Penny Jefferson (Team Leader) pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Jenny Forlong jfurlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Shayne Grice sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Fiona Sutherland fsutherland@dairyflat.school.nz