Arts Festival
“What colour should I do this?” I asked Rachel uncertainly.
It was Arts Festival and I was doing fence portraits. We were in Mrs Costello’s room. It was windy outside and a bit chilly. Mrs C’s room was filled from top to bottom with cute 5 year old's art work. On the floor of the class was a big, blue tarpaulin. I was excited to see what was next.
Once we had gotten the outlines of our portraits done we had to sit on the big grey mat. On the mat Mrs C told us that if you need to dry paint really quickly to use a the hairdryer not the heat gun because if you touch the hot bit on the heat gun it will peel your skin in less than 2 seconds. But of course Rachel had to accidentally trip over it and burn her foot! When we were painting our clothes I was trying to concentrate when all of a sudden someone asked me a question and I accidentally smudged the paint and got it in my hair.
When I was nearly done I started to get nervous because our portraits were going on the container at school. So that meant every person that walks into the school will see it. Then once I was finished I felt proud with a touch of creativity.
I enjoyed Arts festival a lot. I would definitely do it again.
Digital Photography
Digital Photography was the group I was in for arts festival. I was happy because it was the thing I really wanted to do! I was really excited to use a Photoshop™ like app. Even though we were using 21st century technology we were in a 19th century classroom.
We got straight into into it! Wait we watched a video to learn how to use ‘Gimp’ first. I decided to put Me, Isaac and Vincent on 3 separate oranges , I had a hard time finding 3 oranges on the same image, but accidentally Vincent put a picture of 3 oranges in my folder, So I stole it!
I started putting our faces onto the oranges, Time to add a earthworm to Isaac. I had like this anime type hair, Vinny had Donald Trump hair and Isaac had Justin Bieber hair. It was complicated especially when you have to make like 1000 layers! It was hard and SOOOO time consuming. I had to restart like 3 times!
Now it was time to print them off, Mrs Thompson took like 5 or so minutes just to print off 3

pictures hear that 3 pictures, geez it takes me like 5 minutes to grab like 237 packets of chips! Well after that we laminated them onto a wood plate or tile, I chose wood plate. Then it was time to go back to class.
It was really fun doing -Digital Photography-, I felt like I did really good.
Paper Quilling
As we headed over to the top of the hall Jack and I were talking. We were walking to the Paper Quilling section for Arts Festival. We were doing Arts Festival for Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday.
When we got to the hall we ran up the stairs and chose a table, and sat down. First we were introduced to Katie and Emily. After that Katie told us about Paper Quilling and how to do it. We had a choice if we wanted to do and animal or a letter, I chose a letter.
Paper Quilling is when you get a strip of colourful paper and curl or roll it into a spiral, and you can shape it as well. There can be loose circles of tight circles. It’s really continuous and hard but it's still very fun! And when you done it's really rewarding because it looks awesome.
I liked doing Paper Quilling because it is cool, fun and rewarding!!!
By Ross
Celtic Knots
Have you ever wondered what celtic knots are? Well I’ve found out. On Monday and Tuesday I did Celtic Knots at school because school told us to.
On Monday we started arts festival and I did celtic knots. Miss Swan was teaching me and the rest of the group how to do celtic knots. The colouring in was tiring and a little bit boring and the painting was hard because I am not good at painting.
On Tuesday I started vividing then painting on the watercolour paper (the good copy) and we had to do our best. We had to do it on the bumpy side. I could not finish my art because I was away the next day wednesday.
When I was colouring in the C initial I was making a colourful background it was mainly bright colours. While I was on my S initial I drew pipes and anaconda patterns on it and the C initial I made it look like a monster with it’s mouth wide open. The eye is at the top and I also drew the pokemon wailord at the top.
Only 2 of my friends were in my group William and Taku and we got to pick any song we wanted except for ones that have swearing in it. I picked the song called YEAH!
At arts festival I was doing celtic knots because it looked quite fun so that's why I chose it. I felt quite happy after arts festival.
Chloe, Angela and I sat patiently and waited for our clay to be handed out.
Carleen (our Pottery teacher) gave a demonstration on how to make clay eggs then we set to work.
For Arts Festival Chloe, Angela and I were in Pottery class, and we were starting off by making an egg and having a clay animal poking out of the egg.
We had to half the clay and make a round bowl like structure and stick them together with super glue (water).
Which made a hollow oval that we shaped and smoothed to make an egg like hollow sculpture.
After we were satisfied with the shape of the egg we put them in the sun to dry.
Then after morning tea we made big holes in the eggs and I made bunny ears sticking out the top and a fluffy bunny tail poking out the back.
We made texture and stuck it on the cracks.
At lunch time we said goodbye to Carleen who was going to put the finished sculptures in the hot kiln.
The following day I happily hopped into the hall for the next Pottery class and the eggs weren't there!
They were still at Carleen’s house.
So we made little clay houses.
My clay house looked really cool once it was finished.
When we put them on the tray it looked like a mini village.
Afterwards we got to muck around with the clay and make little sculptures, I made a horse head and a bowl.
The next day, Wednesday, I quickly ran into the hall and sat at our table.
Carleen came in and announced that mostly all the eggs had burst or cracked.
I was hoping mine was alright.
I looked then I saw my shattered egg.
Carleen said to just use the part around the ears and whiskers.
I painted the egg with a crackle effect and my ears with black paint.
Pottery was so much fun and if you haven’t had a go, then buy yourself some self drying clay (if you don’t have access to a kiln) and get busy.
Clever, talented kids!!! Well done, great work :)
ReplyDeleteThe art displays were way-cool! Interesting concepts - well done guys and gals!
ReplyDelete(Signed Lusia - Kian's mum)