On Friday LZ1 hosted the whole school assembly. Here are some examples of the work we shared.
This term has been all about STEAM - Science, Technology, Art and Maths. We shared our learning about our Don Binney art. Our Art has elements of Maths and Science included. First we found out about the artist and his work.
Don Binney
Don Binney is a famous New Zealand artist who loves to paint birds. Although he loves birds he paints a range of other topics such as landscapes and different animals. Instead of taking pictures of the bird he painted pictures of them in his head. Don Binney painted birds to share his love of birds and how amazing birds are to him. He was a great artist who loved birds.
By Mina
We also chose the bird in our art and wrote about its appearance and its habitat - this was the science.
The Karearea
The karearea also known as the falcon is a bird that can be found in every country except antarctica. Deserts, seashores, wetlands, grasslands and dry forests are places you might find one of these beautiful winged common birds.
The falcon can have a brown head, if not it will have two black stripes on the side of its head. They can also have pale under bellies. Some falcons can have very long wings.
I chose this bird because I like their long and beautiful feathers. I also like them because of their big curved beak. It reminds me of an eagle but I did not want to do an eagle because I do not like the shape of their bodies.
Those feathers help them fly.
By Taylor.
Finally we used maths and Maori culture to design our kowhaiwhai. We transformed our design using translation, reflection and rotation.
What is Kowhaiwhai ? Well Kowhaiwhai is a traditional
Maori pattern from Polynesia hundreds of years ago. Kowhaiwhai tells stories and about their tribe.
There are all types of pattern there is koru ,Hei matau, moana and mangopare plus more.
Why did I pick my pattern? Well I picked moana because it means water and I go to the beach very often. I also like it
because it also means harmony with the force of nature.
By Zoe
After leading the school in Toro mai, students shared their Inquiry learning about Changes of State...solids, liquids and Gases....
First of all he showed us a clever atom video which showed us just how small atoms were. It began with a girl lying on the grass!
But we kept on zooming and zooming out till eventually we were out of the milky way. Then all of sudden we started zooming in again into the girls eye right down to D.N.A!
After that with the help of some sort of website he showed us about heating,cooling and putting pressure on atoms! It was all about changing states of matter which are liquids, solids and gases. It was extremely interesting!
Then he showed us something called liquid nitrogen. He said it was freezing cold and if you left your finger in there it would drop off!
Then he suddenly threw some onto the floor everybody screamed. But it immediately disappeared into a cloud and when it cleared the floor was still dry!
Next he poured liquid nitrogen into a small polystyrene box. Then he asked how many blown up balloons we thought would fit we said two. So he started putting balloons in after six he told us to blow up some ourselves. In the end he got 15 balloons in there. Then he took them out they were all cold and shriveled up! But when we held them they went back to normal.
In conclusion it was interesting and fuN! So we learned lots! The balloons shrivelled up because the atoms got so cold they slowed moving and unlike before they were not putting pressure on the sides of the balloons! It was great.
On Wednesday we had a special guest. It was Professor Hoogerland the physicist. The experiment took place at Dairy Flat School in the m&m room.
The first experiment he did was that he got a red balloon and quickly put it in the freezing liquid nitrogen. After awhile he took it out. It was frozen. He waited a while then in a matter of seconds the balloon started to puff up again. It was cool. I think when he put the balloon in the liquid nitrogen, the gas in the balloon froze into a solid and when he took it out again the heat melted like an ice cube and it turned back to a normal balloon again.
After that he poured some gassy stuff onto the floor. It was like a cloud landed in the m&m room. He told us loads of important stuff including that liquid nitrogen is dangerous.
I liked his cold experiments and I wish he can come and teach us again.
By Taylor
A Molecular Spectacular Adventure
H2O to be precise
When I’m in my solid form, you may know me as ice
When my buddies and I get tight and close, in rectangular column like lines
It’s a solid of course! Oh how absolutely divine!
But when we’re getting hot and blazing
We melt into a soupy glazing
We move and glide, we slip and slide, we pass each other with ease
We assume the shape, where we occupy space
We’re a liquid of course, ooh yippee!
Phew! I’m boiling! I’m sizzling! I’m feeling incandescently hot! I must get out of this kettle!
Please, just, stop!
I’m free at last! I’m steam! I’m gas!
I’m moving, flying and wandering free!
It’s so much fun, my buddies and me!
We pass each other even more easily!
We’re compressible too. How incredible, who knew?
Sorry to say, but we’re heading for the skies, up and beyond, we need to fly.
See you again, my dear friend. Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
See you again, my dear friend. Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Students shared their learning about Matariki with this beautiful Kakahu (cloak) and Haiku poems.
What is Matariki? Matariki is the middle star in a cluster of stars. There are around 500 stars in the cluster but with a naked eye you can only see seven. They are known as the 7 sisters. The star cluster reappears at dawn in winter. Matariki is also about celebrating who we are through remembering those who have come before us and about looking forward to what is yet to come.
Today, people use Matariki to remember the past as we look through and into the future, Different people in New Zealand celebrate Matariki in different ways. In Wellington this year the traditional November Guy Fawkes displays are being replaced by a Matariki fireworks sky show. Matariki is starting a new beginning that is out of the old.
As part of our Matariki celebrations, LZ1 have been making a Māori kākahu. Kākahu are Maori cloaks that are made of many different materials. Our kākahu is made of paper feathers which have designs, haiku and “I feel included when” sentences. They celebrate the LZ1 learning community together in one cloak.
Matariki is Maori for tiny eyes, or eyes of the god.
One of the many origin legends of Matariki is when the Atua Ranginui (The sky) and Papatuanuku (the earth) separate. We see the rage of the weather god, Tawhirimatea (one of their sons) welling up in the clouds above. The weather gods anger towards the separation of his parents cause his eyes to glow and rip away from their sockets., His eyes disintegrate into tiny particles and float up towards space and become a constellation in the void. There are Thousands of stars that are in constellation but there are only seven stars that can be seen by the naked eye and those are called Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, Urangi and last of all Matariki.
Xaver Mckinnon
Matariki represents the Maori New Year and is a celebration of the people, the culture, the language and the spirit of those beneath the stars. Matariki is a maori word that can be translated as ‘tiny eyes’ or ‘eyes of god’.
A long, long time ago, Ranginui, god of the sky and Papatuanuku, god of the land and earth had just been separated. The Weather God, Tawhirimatea was in a raging anger in the clouds above. The great Atua’s anger toward the seperation of his parents caused his eyes to glow and tear from their sockets. They soared up towards the heavens and transcended, becoming the constellations of the sky.
Among these constellations, within the infinites of space, dwell the 6 sisters, Tupu a nuku, Tupu a rangi, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna a rangi, Ururangi and their mother, Matariki. Together, these women use their collective power to assist the weakened sun on his journey back South, marking the end of winter.
In New Zealand Matariki is a time to reflect upon where we stand and who we are in this moment in time. We share the stories and knowledge to guide our personal growth and help us during this time of birth and renewal.
Other cultures such as China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, North Korea and South Korea celebrate their new year at a different time and a different way. It is called the Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring festival. In China, it is traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Its is also an occasion for Chinese families to gather for an annual reunion dinner. Just like Matariki where we come together and celebrate.
By Hailey
Stars shining brightly
Celebrate Matariki
The Maori New Year
The seven sisters
Bright glowing stars in the sky
Shining in the dark
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