LZ1 students and famillies keep up the great work during lockdown. Not much longer now!
Here is some of the work they have been doing... Writing from Mrs Forlong's writing class - students collaborated to write descriptions using their senses without saying what the sense was...

Sam wrote a story about his Perfect Day
The perfect day
I looked out the window and I saw the white snow glistening in the morning sunshine, it was the perfect day.
As I got up I was so excited because it had snowed all night and now it was a sunny day. I put on my clothes, some long thermal pants, ski pants, a thermal, a jumper, a ski jacket and some gloves. After I had put all of that on I grabbed my skis and my helmet off the rack. Just as I was going out the door I remembered my ski pass, it was on the side of my bed so I rushed to get it and went outside.
I was the first one to go on the ski lift so I did not have to wait in line. The chair lift pulled me softly up the hill to the top of the mountain. I could see my hut in the distance. I skied to the big half pipe and dropped in. When I got to the other side I jumped out and got a meter in the air. On the other side I did not get as high but I did do a three sixty in the air. I jumped out of the halfpipe and went up again. I felt elated. I did a few runs then went to have lunch with my friend.
There is a cafe on the mountain so we had hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was so warm and sweet that I wanted to live on them.
As people came to the mountain I went to the side where it was hard to ski so nobody went there but me. As I went over the bumps my teeth chattered together and my body bumped around. It took me a long time to get to the bottom because I kept falling over. When I got to the bottom it was time to go back to my hut.
I met my friend in my hut for dinner, we had burgers my favorite dinner. I went to bed and thought to myself. This was the perfect day.
by Sam F-S
Here is some of the digital art created this week by LZ1 students during the art class.
Ryan's Aaron Douglas style Digital art |
Anzel's Aaron Douglas style Digital Art |
Congratulations to these people who earned certificates while online learning.