LZ1 F Fibonacci Art
Fibonacci is believed to be born around about 1170. He was apparently a son of a rich man called Guglielmo Bonacci Lenardo who was able to travel lots with his child. While traveling with his father to Northern Africa Lenardo first learned the Hindu-Arabic numerals. He recognized that the number system was much more workable than the number system in Roman Italy. Fibonacci made the numbers 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,55,89,144,233,377… and more because all the numbers I just showed you connect to spirals going in different directions. If you count the spirals maybe on a pinecone you will end up with a Fibonacci number. Fibonacci’s artwork is also a great representation of nature. For instance flower petals, they have different patterns and directions. This is why we did spirals for our art this term. 
By -Lily B
Below is the artwork from LZ1 F Literacy Class
Anya |
Arielle |
Austin |
Cameron |
Charlie |
Ella |
Finn |
Holly Druce |
Holly H |
Reuben |
Jade |
Jamie |
Jonelle |
Joshua |
Kaitlin |
Kendal |
Kian |
Koto |
Lily |
Lucy R |
Makenna |
Sahara |
Savanna |
Seb |
Tyler |
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