Term 2- 2021
This Term our Inquiry Topic is History...our local Dairy Flat History and the children's own family history. What is your story? Help your child with their Pepeha or introduction so they can share who and where they are from. Tell them your family's stories to help them understand where they belong and why.
Please see the list below for the WEEKLY home learning expectations.
Complete 1 box of Mathletics practise. Parent to sign off (in one of the boxes provided ) that practise has been done.
Basic Facts Practice on Maths Trainer - speed and accuracy required and on Prototec sheet.
20 mins of reading daily. Fill in the Reading log to show what you have read and have it signed by an adult.
Complete the Spelling Sheet, which is practicing the spelling focus for the week.
In order to be eligible for the homework reward at the end of the term the students need to have completed and handed in each Friday 7 of the possible 9 weeks of allocated homework. One of the key competencies in our National School Curriculum is 'managing self'. Completing and remembering to hand Homework in on the correct day provides an ideal practice ground for this.
So to avoid disappointment at the end of term please support (don't do it for them) your child to return their homework in EACH week to be checked off. If your child goes to extra tuition after school count this as 'homework' for that day and make a note in your child's homework folder so that we know each week.
All notices/permission slips will also be emailed, posted on the blog and sent home as a paper copy. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's homeroom teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
We very much appreciate the student, teacher, and whanau learning partnership.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz (LZ1 Team Leader)
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Miss Huntingford - khuntingford@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Sutherland - fsutherland@dairyflat.school.nz
- Home Learning TV can be accessed on demand here or via the TVNZ App on a device (mobile phone, smart tv or tablet)
- Go to the link and search -home learning TV
We will be responding to emails, completed and shared work and questions daily and within
24hrs where possible.
What we have put together is only to support you...not add more pressure.
- Number of the day (website on blog)) warm up
- 30 mins doing Maths of choice. This may be Mathletics, Khan academy,
beautiful each day - a flower or a leaf
Term 1 2021
- Complete one Mathletics Activity Parent to sign off (in one of the boxes provided ) that practise has been done.
- Basic Facts Sheet - speed and accuracy required
- 15 mins of reading daily. Fill in the Reading log to show what you have read and have it signed by an adult.
- Practice the next 10 spelling words in Essential Spelling List. sign off each day's practise.
Term 3 2020
Back to Level 3 Learning at Home Ideas
Auckland Museum is Investigating the biodiversity they have in their backyard. They want your help to find out about the biodiversity in the backyards of Aucklanders. But because this is a big task they need your help! Please help find out what lives in your backyard! Citizen science lets everybody participate in collecting data for scientific observations and experiments. Click on the link below.
This term our Inquiry focus is Matariki, change over time and the school production - “Change the World Together”.
For homework, we would like the focus to be READING. The students should be reading good quality chapter books for enjoyment and learning. This will build their vocabulary and knowledge. Reading should include being read to (in person or audio books) - maybe books more difficult than they can read themselves, reading to younger siblings and reading to themselves.
Homework will be:
20 mins of reading daily
Fill in the Reading log to show what has been read and have it signed by an adult.
Basic Facts Sheet - particularly learning their times tables - speed and accuracy required
In order to be eligible for the homework reward at the end of the term the students need to have completed and handed in each Friday, 7 of the possible 9 weeks of allocated homework.
One of the key competencies in our National School Curriculum is 'managing self'. Completing and remembering to hand Homework in on the correct day provides an ideal practice ground for this.
If your child goes to extra tuition after school count this as 'homework' for that day and make a note in your child's homework folder so that we know each week.
The first 4 weeks of this term students will be participating in cross country practise. You may wish to pack spare shoes, in a plastic bag.. If your child has an injury that prevents them from taking part in this curriculum activity they must have a note.
We very much appreciate the student, teacher, and whanau learning partnership.
More home Learning…
Dear parents/caregivers (and for the last 7 weeks, teachers) of LZ1 students,In the light of the fact that there has been so much ‘home learning’ this term, we have decided to change up our usual weekly ‘home learning’ (homework).
You have worn the ‘teacher hat’ for long enough at home!! Let us relieve you of yet another discussion with your son/daughter about getting on with their school work….
We will be focusing strongly on having a growth mindset at school. We will be watching a series of videos followed by discussion questions. We would like to encourage and continue the connectedness that many people enjoyed during lockdown and ask you to initiate some family discussion around having a growth mindset over a meal, in the spa, bed time or whenever it suits you. Maybe you could make a weekly event and all eat ice creams while you chat?
We will provide the discussion questions - we just need you to have the discussion! Each week we will send home a hard copy of the discussion questions we have used in class. We will post them on the LZ1 Blog and drop them into our google classroom. If you need a hand accessing either of these platforms then please email your homeroom teacher.
The LZ1 team
Term 2 Week 6
Episode 1:
Take-home questions:
We’re watching a video series about how students can develop a growth mindset!
1. What was the biggest challenge you faced today? (Ask your child, and then have them ask the question back!)
2. How can you and I think about these challenges in a new way?
3. What can we do differently tomorrow if we face similar challenges?
2. Open the app and either play as a guest or sign up for a new account
3. Join the game by searching for 'WeGotThisNZ Lockdown Challenge' or use the code EZLV3L
4. Either go solo, join as a family or with flatmates (must be same household)
5. After joining you will be taken straight to the mission list, so get playing!
Free Online Events and Activities for Kids at Home...USA based, but still interesting.
- Complete 1 box on the Homework Bingo sheet. Make sure it is signed and dated by an adult.
- Complete 1 box of Mathletics practise. Parent to sign off (in one of the boxes provided ) that practise has been done.
- Basic Facts Sheet - speed and accuracy required
- 15 mins of reading daily. Fill in the Reading log to show what you have read and have it signed by an adult.
Term 4 2019
- Complete 1 box on the Homework Bingo sheet. Make sure it is signed and dated by an adult.
- Mathletics practise. Parent to sign off (in one of the boxes provided ) that practise has been done.
- 15 mins of reading daily. Fill in the Reading log to show what you have read and have it signed by an adult.
Week 8 Maths word problem
Week 7 Maths word problem
Week 6 Maths word problem
Week 5 Maths word problem
Week 4 Maths word problem
Week 3 Maths word problem
Week 2 Maths word problem
Week 1 Maths word problem
Week 9 Maths word problems
Week 8 Maths word problem
Week 6 Maths word problem
Week 5 Maths word problem
Week 4 Maths word problem
Arts Festival - No set homework, keep up your reading, mathletics and practise your speech.
Week 3 Maths word problem
Week 2 Maths word problem
Week 1 Maths word problem
Week 10 Term 1 Maths word problem
Week 9 Term 1 Maths word problem
Week 8 Term 1 Maths word problem
Week 7 Term 1 Maths word problem
- Complete 1 box on the
Homework Bingo sheet. Make sure it is signed and dated by an adult.
- Complete the shared Maths
problem with someone at home. Have them draw/explain how they would
work it out and then draw/explain how you would work it out. Discuss
your similarities and differences. Sign on the Maths Bingo sheet.
- 10 mins of Mathletics daily.
Adult signature required each week to show that this has been done
(see Maths Bingo).
- Complete one other Maths
activity on the Maths Bingo sheet.
- 15 mins of reading daily.
Fill in the Reading log to show what you have read and have it signed by
an adult.
2018 Term 2
This term the home learning for each week will continue with the same format as term 1. In order to be eligible for the homework reward at the end of the term the students need to have completed all but 2 of the weeks of homework. This does not mean that a homework 'binge' a few weeks before the end of term will count. One of the key competencies in our National School Curriculum is 'managing self'. Completing and remembering to hand Homework in on the correct day provides an ideal practice ground for this. So to avoid disappointment at the end of term please support (don't do it for them) your child to return their homework in EACH week to be checked off. If your child goes to extra tuition after school count this as 'homework' for that day and make a note in your child's homework folder so that we know each week.
All notices/permission slips will also be posted on the blog. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's home room teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
· Daily spelling practice PLUS....
· 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
· 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
· 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
· MIHI - Starting from week 2 of Term 2 students in LZ1 will be saying their Mihi at the beginning of the day when we gather to take the roll in the morning. A roster showing when the students will need to be ready to present their MIhi to LZ1 will be posted on this page before the end of week 1. Members of the Kapahaka group will be leading the way with their names appearing at the top of the roster. A template on how to put your Mihi together will also be provided on this page along with the roster.
Homework folders to be returned to school EVERY Friday. Please support your child to become independent at this part of their learning as well.
Being able to 'manage' themselves, their books, togs, permission slips and meet deadlines is one of the key competencies that Home learning helps teach students and will prepare them for the transition to intermediate/middle school.
Maths Bingo 2018 Term 1
Spelling Bingo 2018 Term 1
Homework Bingo 2018 Term 1
2018 Term 1 Reminder
This year the home learning for each week will be posted on the LZ1 blog.
Homework is to support the home - school partnership. We will reward students who have managed to complete all but 2 weeks out of the term. If your child goes to extra tuition after school count this as 'homework' and make a note in your child's homework folder so that we know each week.
All notices/permission slips will also be posted on the blog. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's home room teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Each week this term your child will be required to complete the following as part of their HOME Learning. Links for each of these can be quickly located in the top white box on the left hand side of the front page of LZ1's blog. (they have also been added at the bottom of this post)
- Daily spelling practice
- 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
- 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
- 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
Being able to 'manage' themselves, their books, togs, permission slips and meet deadlines is one of the key competencies that Home learning helps teach students and will prepare them for the transition to intermediate/middle school.
- Monday, Tuesday (Final day), Skills4life/Swim Bus
- Tuesday Peer Mediators end of year trip
- Wednesday LZ1 swimming first block (Bring your togs!)
- Wednesday FINAL ASSEMBLY 1.30 - 2.55
- Thursday LZ1 Homework Reward - POOL PARTY 11.30 - 12.15 followed by
- Friday YEAR 6 GRADUATION LUNCH 12 - 1 pm. Please bring a plate of food, the Board will provide a soft drink and an ice cream.
- Friday LZ1 swimming first block (Bring your togs!)
- LZ1 will be going swimming in groups during block 1 on:
Friday 8 December
Wednesday 13 December
Friday 15 December
Students, please bring your togs for a swim.
- Sunhats must be worn this term
- Monday - APPA Choir dress rehearsal at Auckland Town Hall
- Positive Puberty - Parents Evening Meeting 6.30pm - 7.45pm. Parents ONLY.
- Tuesday - Interschool Athletics
- Swimbus begins - bring your togs
- Wednesday - Year 6 Positive Puberty Presentations
- Thursday - Kapa Haka Festival at Orewa College
- Swimbus continues - bring your togs
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
YEAR 6 Puberty Notices due back Wednesday 22 November
- Sunhats must be worn this term
- Thursday - Choir cupcake sale: bring your gold coins
- Friday - Assembly 9:00 am: all welcome
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
We have another busy week ahead.
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
We had a fantastic day at Ag Day on Saturday. The rain held off, the animals performed and it was great to have the support of our local community! Thankyou to all the people who have worked many long hours behind the scenes to make this happen.
- Thursday - Mr Gryce + any group day competitors
- Friday - Mrs Jefferson, Mrs Thompson/Forlong
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
We have a big week in the run-up to Ag Day with lots of activities and lots of learning assessment.
Please consider Swimbus swimming that will be run in week 10. At $46 for eight lessons you will not get better value.
Scholastic book orders are due on Friday 27 October 3pm
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
- Friday - Homework Reward - movie
- Friday - End of Term Assembly 1.45pm
MONDAY - APPA Choir rehearsal
Homework folders and spelling notebooks are to be handed in EVERY Friday for marking. Homework activities may be recorded in folders OR on the Homework Slides and Bingo docs in their Google Homework Folder.
Homework reward movie will be shown on Friday 29 September.
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
FRIDAY - Assembly 9:00 - 10:00am
Persuasive Speeches - presentations continue in class.
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - Orewa College enrolment evenings 3:30pm - 7pm @ college
Remember to keep working on your Persuasive Speech - presentations in class begin this week.
Homework folders and spelling notebooks are to be handed in EVERY Friday for marking. Homework activities may be recorded in folders OR on the Homework Slides and Bingo docs in their Google Homework Folder.
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
- Mathletics - Maths week activities
- Maths Week site
- Matific Games Competition Letter Login (Your teacher has your login)
Remember to keep working on your Persuasive Speech - presentations in class Weeks 5 and 6.
Homework folders and spelling notebooks are to be handed in EVERY Friday for marking. Homework activities may be recorded in folders OR on the Homework Slides and Bingo docs in their Google Homework Folder.
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
On Friday we have Book Week Parade (9 -10 am) where you are invited to dress in your favourite character
Homework folders and spelling notebooks are to be handed in EVERY Friday for marking. Homework activities may be recorded in folders OR on the Homework Slides and Bingo docs in their Google Homework Folder.
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
Thursday - Last day for school chicken orders
Friday - Japanese students visit
Ensure your child has all their stationery
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- 1 activity from the Maths bingo
Wednesday Bruce Mason Arts Festival Rehersal
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- Practice Basic Facts - you may choose to use the link on the left hand side of the blog home page in the Maths box.
$2 to help children with cancer
Friday - Cup Cake Sale - Choir Fundraising - bring your coins
Disco 5:30 - 7:30 - Flashy and Fluro
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- Practice Basic Facts - you may choose to use the link on the left hand side of the blog home page in the Maths box.
Tuesday - Teacher Only day
Wednesday - Northern Bays Arts Festival Dance rehearsal at Glamorgan School
Please complete:
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- Practice Basic Facts - you may choose to use the link on the left hand side of the blog home page in the Maths box.
- Tree Adventures - Monday 9-3pm
- Arts Festival Exhibition - Wednesday - Friday in the Hall (open till 6pm)
- 1 activity from the Homework bingo
- 1 activity from the Spelling Bingo
- Practice Basic Facts - you may choose to use the link on the left hand side of the blog home page in the Maths box.
We will be working together to develop and reward independent learning practices throughout the term. Independent learners who complete reading, spelling, Lexia, basic facts practice, Mathletics and Khan academy learning will earn financial rewards that will help them increase their financial literacy and reap the rewards that such literacy can provide.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful parents/caregivers who helped out with Camp. We couldn't participate in these fantastic activities without your help.
Check Permission Slips tab for Camp info
Week 11 and the holidays:
Congratulations to those who have completed and handed in the required homework and have been invited to participate in the Homework Reward on Wednesday.
No set homework, BUT keep up your reading, Core 5 and Mathletics. Practice your Basic Facts on this Link.
Prepare for Camp.
Check the blog for further updates.
- WEDNESDAY 12 APRIL - Homework Reward
- THURSDAY 13 APRIL - End of Term Assembly 2 - 3pm.
Week 10: Monday 3 April - Friday 7 April
- If you have not already completed Camp forms and returned them to school, please complete and return ASAP. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
- Camp Fees of $260 are due by Friday 7 April. If there is any difficulty with payment, please contact Debbie Marshall well before this date. We will help as much as we can.
- Our students have been working extraordinarily well in their language lessons. To experience some aspects of Japanese culture we would like our students to participate in traditional Japanese rice ball making on Tuesday 4 April.
If you have not paid your activity fee there is a cost of $2 to be paid, to cover the cost of the ingredients. - MONDAY 3 APRIL - 11:30 - 12:30 Author, Justin D'Ath presentation
- TUESDAY 4 APRIL - JAPANESE - cultural cooking
- THURSDAY 6 APRIL - House Reward
- FRIDAY 7 APRIL - CULTURE DAY with hangi lunch
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
- If you have not already completed Camp forms and returned them to school, please complete and return ASAP. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
- Camp Fees of $260 are due by Friday 7 April. If there is any difficulty with payment, please contact Debbie Marshall well before this date. We will help as much as we can.
- WEDNESDAY 29 March is OPEN DAY 9 - 1 pm. Please come and visit LZ1 classes.
- 9.05 - 9.20 Jump Jam - Hall
- 9.20 - 10.20 Maths transition
- 10.20 - 10.30 Brainfood (Literacy Transition)
- 10.30 - 11.00 Literacy transition
- 11.00 - 11.30 Morning Tea Break
- 11.30 - 12.00 Staffroom with Susan Thompson (LZ1 Team Leader) questions and answers on the Maths and Literacy curriculum.
- 12.00 - 1.00 Literacy transition
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
Week 8: Monday 20 March - Friday 24 March
We would like to say another huge thank you to all the wonderful parents/caregivers who helped out with Ultimate Frisbee on Thursday. We couldn't participate in these fantastic activities without your help.
- If you have not already completed Camp forms and returned them to school, please complete and return ASAP. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
- This Thursday 23rd we have the ROCKWALL/VOLCANO CLIMBING EXPERIENCEYEAR 5/6 will be doing Rockwall climbing - learning to take risks, show perseverance, have resilience and be caring and encouraging to other people. Feel free to come along.
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
Week 7: Monday 13 March - Friday 17 March
We would like to say another huge thank you to all the wonderful parents/caregivers who accompanied us to Te Hana Marae on Wednesday. We couldn't participate in these fantastic activities without your help.
- Camp forms please complete and return to school by this Friday 17 March. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
- LAST CHANCE to pay your Mathletics $20
- Thursday 16 March - Ultimate Frisbee YR 5/6 Zone Day
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
- Camp forms please complete and return to school by Friday 17 March. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
- TE HANA CULTURAL TRIP - LZ1 will be going to the Te Hana multi cultural centre . If your child has not returned their permission slip could they do so as soon as possible to ensure that they may attend.
- In preparation for our trip to Te Hana Marae you will present your mihi (if you have not done so already), or introduction this week. Please refer to last weeks home learning for the format.
- Cultural Study Please research a Myth or Legend related to your culture or a story which has been passed down through the generations. (If you have not done so already!)
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
- Waterwise Mr Grice's Homeroom - Wednesday 1 March PRINT
- Senior Swimming Sports, Hibiscus Coast Leisure Centre - Stanmore Bay, Friday, 3 March. Permission Slip PRINT
- Mathletics Subscription URGENT REMINDER Mathletics now due, compulsory for all LZ1 students. Cost $20
- Camp forms please complete and return to school by Friday 17 March. Consent Form PRINT Health Profile PRINT Gear List PRINT
Home Learning - complete the following for HOME Learning.
- In preparation for our trip to Te Hana Marae you will present your mihi, or introduction this week. Please refer to last weeks home learning for the format.
- Cultural Study Please research a Myth or Legend related to your culture or a story which has been passed down through the generations.
- Homework, Spelling and Maths Bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
Week 4
- Waterwise Mrs Forlong's Homeroom - Wednesday 22nd February PRINT
- Waterwise Mr Grice's Homeroom - Wednesday 1 March PRINT
- Picnic Sausage Sizzle help (at school Fri 24 Feb) -raising funds for camp. If you are available to help with the cooking and selling of the sausages please email sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
- Senior Swimming Sports, Hibiscus Coast Leisure Centre-Stanmore Bay, Friday, Mar 3,
- Senior Swim Sports Permission Slip PRINT
- Mathletics Subscription URGENT REMINDER Mathletics now due, compulsory for all LZ1 students. Cost $20
- In preparation for our trip to Te Hana Marae you will write and present your mihi, or introduction. You may use the format of the doc in your homework doc folder (and the paper copy issued Monday), or you can be more creative...slide presentations and videos would be great.
- Writing a Mihi. Please talk to your caregivers and find out the following information in preparation for completing your Mihi in week 5
- A body of water (i.e. river) that you associate with
- A mountain that you associate with
- The names of your caregivers
- The name of your tribe if you are associated with one
- Mihi Format
- Homework, Spelling and Maths bingo activities
- Spelling Notebook
- Reading Log - 20 min per day
On this Monday is the Meet the Teacher evening - Monday 13th February, 6 - 7:30pm. We look forward to seeing who ever can make it along.
All going well, this week will see Mrs Jefferson's literacy/home class have a great day at Waterwise on Wednesday and the entire school have a great day at Wenderholm on Friday.
While the weather is looking like it might conspire against us, we will do our best to make it happen.
Please make sure you have returned signed the necessary picnic and Waterwise permission slips. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's home room teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
I hope you have all had a bit of a tour of our new blog site and paid special attention to the BINGO activities that will be the main focus of this terms homelearning. Links for each of these can be quickly located in the top white box on the left hand side of the front page of LZ1's blog. We have tried to provide interactive, interesting activities that provide an opportunity to engage in a fun way.
Each week this term your child will be required to complete the following as part of their HOME Learning.
- Daily spelling practice (recorded in spelling notebook)
- 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
- Mathletics
- 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
- 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
Being able to 'manage' themselves, their books, togs, permission slips and meet deadlines is one of the key competencies that Home learning helps teach students and will prepare them for the transition to intermediate/middle school.
Please note the following dates on your calendars.
Click on the Links for permission slips below the notices.
Waterwise - Mrs Jefferson's homeroom (This Wednesday 15th February 9am - 2pm)
Mrs Forlong's homeroom (22nd February 9am - 2pm)
Mr Grice's homeroom (date to be confirmed)
School picnic - Children will be transported to and from Wenderhlom by parents/caregivers. School buses will not be running (unless Picnic Day is cancelled)
(This Friday 17th February, 9am - 2:45pm)
School Picnic Sausage Sizzle raising funds for camp. If you are available to help with the cooking and selling of the sausages please email sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Swimming - please have swimming togs at school every day. This is part of the school program, If students are not swimming they will be required to have a note from parents.
LZ1 Camp Adair Week 1 Term 2 Tuesday 2 May to Friday 5 May - If you are interested in being a parent helper please complete the slip below and return to Mrs Thompson or email sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Wednesday Sausage Sizzle Roster, if you available this term to help with the cooking of the sausages please email your child's homeroom teacher with the dates you are available.
Links for permission slips:
Waterwise - Mrs Jefferson's homeroom
Mrs Forlong's homeroom
Mr Grice's homeroom (date to be confirmed)
School picnic
All notices/permission slips will also be posted on the blog. If you have a problem printing a permission slip (in order to sign and return them) then please notify your child's home room teacher as required and a hard copy of the necessary letters will be sent home.
Mrs Jefferson - pjefferson@dairyflat.school.nz
Mr Grice - sgrice@dairyflat.school.nz
Mrs Forlong - jforlong@dairyflat.school.nz
Each week this term your child will be required to complete the following as part of their HOME Learning. Links for each of these can be quickly located in the top white box on the left hand side of the front page of LZ1's blog. (they have also been added at the bottom of this post)
- Daily spelling practice (recorded in spelling notebook)
- 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
- Mathletics
- 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
- 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
Being able to 'manage' themselves, their books, togs, permission slips and meet deadlines is one of the key competencies that Home learning helps teach students and will prepare them for the transition to intermediate/middle school.
Please note the following dates on your calendars.
Click on the Links for permission slips below the notices.
Waterwise - Mrs Jefferson's homeroom (15th February 9am - 2pm)
Mrs Forlong's homeroom (22nd February 9am - 2pm)
Mr Grice's homeroom (date to be confirmed)
School picnic - Children will be transported to and from Wenderhlom by parents/caregivers. School buses will not be running (unless Picnic Day is cancelled)
(17th February, 9am - 2:45pm)
School Picnic Sausage Sizzle raising funds for camp. If you are available to help with the cooking and selling of the sausages please email sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Swimming - please have swimming togs at school every day. This is part of the school program, If students are not swimming they will be required to have a note from parents.
Meet the Teacher - Monday 13th February, 6 - 7:30pm.
LZ1 Camp Adair Week 1 Term 2 Tuesday 2 May to Friday 5 May - If you are interested in being a parent helper please complete the slip below and return to Mrs Thompson or email sthompson@dairyflat.school.nz
Wednesday Sausage Sizzle Roster, if you available this term to help with the cooking of the sausages please email your child's homeroom teacher with the dates you are available.
Links for permission slips:
Waterwise - Mrs Jefferson's homeroom
Mrs Forlong's homeroom
Mr Grice's homeroom (date to be confirmed)
School picnic
Camp Parent Helper
- Mathletics
- 1x activity from the Maths Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder)
- 1x activity from the Spelling Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )
- 1x activity from the Homework Bingo (students to highlight on digital copy in their homework folder in their google account each week and parent to sign hard copy located in homework folder )