Thursday, September 22, 2016

EPro8 Challenge

Twelve year 5 & 6 students went to Northcross Intermediate to compete in the Epro8 Challenge (Engineering, Problem Solving, and Innovation) The challenges involved building a crane which had to lift 1 kg, building a Rover on Mars to move 1 metre while carrying 5 kg of weight and building a swing that held 1 kg and swung 10 times in 31 seconds. Each station had various equipment e.g. Pulleys, electrical wire, batteries, bolts, aluminium poles, chains, gears, circuits and wheels.

The teams had four challenges to complete in 2 and half hours, the students could complete all of a challenge, or select which parts they wish to complete. Each challenge had a “Criteria” and a “Hint” Criteria and this is what the teams were marked on.

The three teams worked collaboratively and enjoyed the challenges. Close to the end was very nerve wrecking with the Bobby Juniors team tied in first place with 3 other teams on 200 points. They finally shot away by gaining a further ninety points to win the EPro8 challenge across these schools. They will now compete in the semi-finals. Congratulations to Charlize Porter, Holly Lupton, Luke Grobler and Jacob Lyndon. By Charlize Porter

EPro8 Team first place in the challenge series.

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